In case you had any doubts, David Byrne is a freak.
Friday, August 15, 2008
New Order Every Little Counts Reading 1989
Not the best video/audio, but one of the best songs and part of what went into the name of this blog. Enjoy.
Friday, August 08, 2008
A different set of liberties and protections for the religious...
West Virginia started a pilot project Friday to keep driver's license photos out of a computer database to accommodate members of a small religious group, who believe digital storage is a "mark of the beast" that evokes biblical prophecy.State Division of Motor Vehicles Commissioner Joseph Cicchirillo said Friday the group of Christians, who are not affiliated with a particular church, contacted the agency two or three years ago to object to their pictures "being on a database that can be exchanged throughout the world or hacked into."
Hudok and other members of his group have said bar codes and digital storage of photos are a way of numbering people, which they liken to a warning in the Bible's book of Revelation about a "mark of the beast" indicating the arrival of the Antichrist.
To accommodate their beliefs, state officials decided to issue licenses to the group members that are exactly like other West Virginia licenses except that the individual photos will be removed from the computer immediately after they are taken by a digital camera.
So, if I just don't trust the government, what is my recourse? Not to get a license, obviously. If I know they will eventually screw up security and give this information to unknown individuals, what is my recourse? Don't live in that state, obviously. Have some mythological fantasy that involves the fear of some "mark of the beast" thing going on? You get government protection, buddy! You get to opt out of a bad system that the rest of us get screwed on. Power goes to the nutty types out there, apparently.