Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Barrow voters say ‘No’ to Brain Train...Or do they?

The headline is very deceptive, because I know I did not say "no" to the "Brain Train" and a careful reading of the ballot question reveals that you cannot determine whether people are opposed to the concept or not from this result. See, here is the question as it was asked on the ballot:

Would you favor raising any local taxes to pay Barrow's portion of the proposed Brain Train between Atlanta and Athens?

So, you can determine whether someone would be willing to have their taxes raised to pay for the Brain Train, but you cannot tell whether they support the concept of the Brain Train or not.

I like the concept, but if it has to be paid for with tax money then I expect them to cut something else to finance it. These "journalists" out there can't seem to prevent themselves from making up the news from time to time.

Kristi Reed gets it right in the article, but a lot of people will see the headline and think it means exactly what it says.

Barrow County residents will not be catching the Brain Train if current voter sentiment holds sway.

The Barrow County Republican Party included three non-binding questions on this year’s primary ballot. One of the questions was an attempt to determine county support for the Atlanta to Athens Brain Train.

By a large majority, citizens opposed raising local taxes to pay for Barrow’s portion of the proposed rail line.

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