Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Definitely not voting for Obama in November.

I feel like a chump for even getting sucked in by all the hype during his campaign against Hillary Clinton for the nomination of the Democratic Party. It is not like me to even consider voting for a Presidential candidate from that party, considering I have not done it once in my voting life. However, I began to believe the "hope" idea that he was selling. I began to believe that he was going to do things differently. That he was not going to "play the game" like so many others do. That all came crashing down today, as Obama voted for H.R. 6304, the FISA bill that grants retroactive immunity to the telecommunications companies that enabled the Bush Administration to potentially violate the U.S. Constitution (as well as other existing law).

On one hand, I'd like to thank Obama for not carrying his charade all the way through November and taking my vote away from the Libertarian Party. At least I have been reminded that Democrats and Republicans are not likely to be people of principle. They don't embrace liberty above all else. They don't really want to change the system. When push comes to shove, they capitulate to the power of government and big business time and time again.

I am not personally fond of Bob Barr, which is primarily due to actions he engaged in while a member of the US House of Representatives (and a member of the GOP), but I simply must vote by my principles now and forget the fancy marketing and charismatic speeches of Barack Obama. At the end of the day, he will sell me out if it is convenient for him to do so. He had an uphill battle to win my vote, but the burden ultimately proved to be too difficult for him.

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